BSc(Hons) in Food and Nutritional Science
Food and Nutritional Science is an international discipline over the world where food industry is a global business and Nutrition is the prime concern. Not only Bangladesh but also the World is now facing the serious problem of ensuring safe, nutritious and cheap food to cater the need of the common people and on the other hand non-communicable diseases like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are increasing in tremendous rate. Two major nutrition related problem such as under nutrition and over nutrition are exist in Bangladesh. The government of Bangladesh feels the necessity of huge number of skilled and educated manpower in the field of Food and Nutritional Science.
To meet the growing need of skilled personnel and face the challenges of global competition Henry Institute of Bioscience and Technology (HIBT) has come up to take the challenge of this crucial issue and opened the Department of Food and Nutritional Science with an aim to provide skilled and educated manpower to solve the over and under nutrition as well as nutrition related chronic diseases of the country and to meet the demand of the ever expanding food processing industries in the country and also in the world. Graduates from this department of HIBT will be able to work in many parts of the world and well qualified by international standard.
Employment Opportunities for the Graduates of Food and Nutritional Science
Graduates can choose their career from wide varieties of fields ranging from basic research in Human Nutrition and Food Technology to applied experimental research at universities or at public and private research institutes. There is a great opportunities in Diet and Clinical Nutrition field in various hospitals and diet counseling centers. There is an also great opportunity in the field of Public Health and Community Nutrition. Besides these, graduates can develop their carrier in various government/autonomous, non-government and international institutes/organizations.
- Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) is providing a great opportunity for Food and Nutritional Science graduates both in general cadre and technical cadre.
- Government Organizations
- Food Safety Authority
- Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission(BAEC)
- Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN)
- Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)
- Bangladesh Rural Development Academy(BARD)
- Rural Development Academy(RDA)
- Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute(BARI)
- Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council(BARC) and so on.
- Non-Government Organizations
- Square Food and Beverage
- AKIJ Food and Beverage
- PRAN Food and Beverage
- ACME Food and Beverage
- ACI Food and Beverage
- Fu-Wang Foods
- Bombay Sweets
- Transcom Beverage
- Partex Beverage and so on
- International Organizations
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- Action Center la Faim (ACF)
- Save the Children
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
- World Vision
- Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) and so on.